
Fire and Ambulance
Fire Service
Ovid Township has had independent fire service dating back to 1875 (then called
"Washington Company," and later re-named the Ovid Area Fire Board, which was
established on April 18, 1977). In January of 2003 the Ovid-Middlebury Emergency Services Authority (hereinafter OMESA) was created. The Authority consists of two representatives each from Ovid and Middlebury Townships and two from the City of Ovid. The OMESA Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the OMESA fire barn at 1045 Baese
Court. The fire department is mainly a volunteer department, and all volunteers are
required to take the State of Michigan FIRE I & II program, along with the State of Michigan First Responder class. Volunteers are paid per on-call emergency they respond to, and are also paid for training and meeting days. The Fire Chief is Jerry Stevens, and he can be
reached at 517-719-0335. The Assistant Chief is Steve Pease, and he can be reached at 989-666-5802.
Current OMESA Board Members:
Chairman: Middlebury Board Representative Michael Herendeen
Vice-Chair: Ovid Township Supervisor Jennings West
Secretary/Treasurer: Ovid Township Treasurer Nancy Hughson
Trustees: Bill Lasher
Larry Ordiway
Jeff Swan
Recording Secretary: Susan Tomasek-Swan
Ambulance Service
Ovid Township joined the Clinton Area Ambulance Service Authority (CAASA) in November of 2017 to
provide our ambulance service. This service is paid annually by the township with funds generated by
the 2.2500 Fire/Ambulance Emergency Services millage approved by the voters. This millage expires in
The Authority members include the cities of St. Johns and Ovid, the villages of Elsie, Fowler and Maple
Rapids, and the townships of Bengal, Bingham, Dallas, Duplain, Essex, Greenbush, Lebanon, and Ovid.
CAASA maintains a base located at 1001 S. Oakland Street in St Johns, and the director is Lynn Weber.
CAASA is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service that offers ALS, Specialty Care Transport
(SCT) and Basic Life Support (BLS) transport services. The Authority employs both full time and part time
Paramedics and EMT’s, and normal daily staffing consists of two ALS ambulances. They offer CPR and
First Aid Training for the public, as well as continuing education opportunities to area EMS providers.
The CAASA fleet consists of 4 ambulances, 2 Echo units, along with a Rescue truck, a Polaris Ranger for
special events and Search and Rescue calls, and a disaster/fire rehab trailer for large scale events.
For more information, visit the CAASA website at: or contact Lynn Weber
at 989-227-5713 or by email at
Police Protection
Ovid Township does not operate its own police department. We are supported the Clinton County Sheriff as well as the Michigan State Police.
South Ovid Cemetery is a small cemetery located within Ovid Township on Parks Road, east of Watson Road and west of St. Clair Road. The Township currently owns two (2) plots in this cemetery for possible use with indigent burials. Contact either Nancy Hughson (989 834 4831) or
Claudia Barrett Pluger (989 834 4830).
The Ovid Public Library serves as the library for Ovid Township residents. The library access fees are included in the Township resident’s tax bill which entitles the residents to use library services The library is located at 206 N. Main Street, Ovid, phone (989) 834-5800). Check out their Facebook page for more events and happenings. Click here.
Burn Permits
Burn permits are intended to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the persons and property within Ovid Township by regulating the burning of leaves, trash and any other combustible materials within the township. No construction or demolition materials are allowed to be burned. A person must be in attendance for ALL fires, yard waste or brush.
Burn Permits are obtained by calling the Omesa FIre Hall. (989 834 5707). You will be required to leave a message with your contact information, address and date of requested burn.
Home Remodeling or Replacement Projects (permits):
Dear Residents,
If you’re completing home remodeling or replacement/upgrade projects for your home, please make sure to obtain necessary permits and inspections from the Clinton County Building Department. This includes required plumbing, mechanical or electrical permits for items such as replacing a water heater, furnace, air conditioning or adding electrical circuits/service upgrades. If you are hiring a contractor to complete this work, make sure they obtain the appropriate permits and inspections. These permits and subsequent inspections are critical to make sure all work meets code requirements for your family’s safety and to protect your investment.
For additional information or questions regarding permits, please don’t hesitate to contact the County Building Department at 989-224-5181 or e-mail
Copy Services
The Township has the ability to copy information for its residents upon request. $2.00 for the first page faxed, Copying of paper documents is 30¢ per page. The information must be copied by a township official. You will be given a written receipt if requested.
Freedom of Information Request