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                                                       DEFERMENT INFORMATION

Provisions of the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893, as amended,

allows local tax collecting units to defer the collection of taxes for property 

owners who meet strict eligibility requirements set forth in the act.  An owner may file a completed deferment of property tax form with the township

treasurer by the date summer taxes are due.  A valid deferment permits property taxes to be paid by the date winter taxes are due each year,

without any additional penalty and interest, as long as the new payment deadline is met.


On August 18, 2021, the Michigan Department of Treasury (Department) issued new Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Guidelines.  The new Guidelines are a major update to the previously issued Guidelines.  Please use and refer taxpayers to the new Guidelines.  A copy of the new Guidelines can be found at under Guidelines and FAQs.


Poverty Exemption Taxpayer Fact Sheet

Application for Poverty Exemption

Form 4988 Poverty Exemption Affidavit

Form 5739 Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy







Ovid Township, Clinton County, assesses the following millages which are collected during the appropriate tax season:


  • Township Operating                                       1.000 Allocated mills

  • Fire/Ambulance Emergency Services             2.2500 Operating mills (expires in 2023)

  • Ovid Public Library                                        0.7500 Operating mills

  • Clinton Area Transit System                          0.2000 Operating mills





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